Surya Namaskar(Sun Salutation) With Mantra : Poses and Benefits

Kumaran Raj
5 min readSep 13, 2020


Sun salutation is a sequence of yoga asanas(poses) that originated as a series of prostrations to the sun It involves twelve yoga asana or posture, signifying the cycle of the sun which is also approximately twelve years.

Surya Namaskar is also known as ‘Sun Salutation’. As I said it is an ancient technique of expressing gratitude to the sun, a source to all forms of life on the planet. Therefore, we can say Surya Namaskar is a form of worship to the Sun God, Surya.

The Rig Veda says that “ Sun is the soul, both of the moving and unmoving beings”

Surya Namaskar With Mantra

Mantras can also be chanted during Surya Namaskar. These chants bring harmony in our body and mind.

The mantras are connected to Hindu mythology that people chant to enhance their spiritual level. It is believed that these mantras remove negativity.

How to chant mantras: The mantras can be chanted either verbally or in mind. The important thing is to chant them with gratitude. The breathing should be normal but the pronunciation should be correct.

Benefits of Mantras: Chanting mantras make Sun Salutation more powerful. It has a positive effect on both, body and mind, the mind stays focused rather than being uncomfortable. In short, the mantras unite the mind and body.

When to do Surya Namaskar with mantra: Sun salutation can be done at any time of the day. But it is best to do at sunrise as at that time it helps revitalize the body and refresh the mind. Doing at different times has a different effect on the body. If it is done in the morning, it energizes the body instantly whereas, at dusk, it helps to unwind.

Pace: Sun Salutation can be done at three paces. At a slow pace, it helps to make the body flexible. At the medium pace, it helps in toning muscle. At a high pace, it helps in weight loss.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

  1. Surya namaskar improves blood circulation.
  2. It prevents hair loss and helps in healthy hair growth. It also helps in preventing grey hair.
  3. Due to improved blood circulation, the skin stays young, prevent wrinkles, and remove stress.
  4. It is also very effective to fight against diseases. In short, it helps in keeping the body disease-free and healthy.
  5. Surya namaskar also strengthens the heart.
  6. It makes the person calmer and boost energy levels.
  7. Surya Namaskar with mantra regulates the interconnectedness of body, breath, and mind.
  8. It tones the neck, spine, arms, hands, wrist, back, and promote the overall flexibility.
  9. Sun Salutation is an intensive physical exercise that works on every part of the body and helps to lose excess fat.
  10. It boosts the body’s overall health and also helps in digestion.
  11. It also helps in the detoxifying body by getting rid of carbon dioxide and toxic gases.
  12. For women, it helps in promoting the regular menstrual cycle.
  13. Sun Salutation improves the sleeping pattern and also cures insomnia.
  14. The regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps in controlling the blood sugar level.
  15. It benefits every part of the body and helps in physical as well as mental-emotional purification.

Also, Read How to Stay Fit and Healthy at Home 2020

Who should not do Surya Namaskar?

  • Pregnant women should not perform Sun Salutation after the first trimester.
  • Women should avoid asana during their menstrual cycle.
  • Patients of hernia and high blood pressure should seek the advice of the doctor before performing the yoga.
  • People suffering from back pain should also avoid asanas.

The 12 Asana of Surya Namaskar with Mantras

1. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Mantra: Om Mitraaya Namahaa

Meaning: one who is friendly to all

How to do: Stand at the edge of your mat, keep your feet together, and balance your weight equally on both the feet. Expand your chest and relax your shoulders. As you breathe in, lift both arms from the sides, and as you exhale, bring your palms together in front of the chest in prayer position.

Benefit: Helps in maintaining the balance of the body and also relaxes the nervous system.

2. Hastauttanasana (Raised arm Pose)

Mantra: Om Ravage Namaha

Meaning: the shining or radiant one

How to do: Inhale and lift the both arms up and back, keeping the biceps close to the ears, stretch the whole body up from the heels to the tips of the fingers.

Benefits: It helps in stretching the muscle of the abdomen. It also helps in full oxygen intake by expanding the chest.

3. Hastspadasana (Standing forward bend)

Mantra: Om Surya Namaha

Meaning: the dispelled of darkness responsible for generating activity

How to do: Breathing out, bend forward from the waist keeping the spine erect, exhale completely, and bring the hands down to the floor beside the feet.

Benefits: It stretches the hamstring, open hips, shoulder, and arms. It also makes the waist and spine flexible.

4. Asha sanchalanasana (equestrian pose)

Mantra: Om brainwave Namaha

Meaning: one who illuminates or the brighter one

How to do : Breathing in, push the right leg back, as far back as possible. Bring the right knee to the floor and lookup

Benefits: It helps to strengthen the leg muscles. This pose also benefits in constipation, indigestion, and sciatica.

5. Dandasana (Stick Pose)

Mantra: Om Khagaya Namaha

Meaning: one who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky

How to do: As you Inhale, take your left leg back and bring the whole body in a straight line.

Benefits: Dandasana strengthens the arms and back and Improves posture. It also stretches the shoulders, chest, and spine and Calms the mind.

6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Parts Pose)

Mantra: Om Pooshne Namaha

Meaning: giver of nourishment and fulfillment

How to do: Gently bring the knees down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back slightly, slide forward, rest the chest and chin on the floor. The two hands, two feet, two knees, chest, and chin (eight parts of the body) should touch the floor.

Benefits: Ashtanga Namaskara enhances the flexibility of the back and spine. IT ALSO Strengthens the back muscles and reduces tension and anxiety.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Mantra: Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha

Meaning: One who has a golden colored brilliance

How to do it: Slide forward and raise the chest up into the Cobra pose. You can keep your elbows bent in this pose with the shoulders away from the ears. Look up at the ceiling.

Benefits: Bhujangasana helps in stretching the shoulders, chest, and back. It also increases the flexibility and elevates mood and invigorates the heart.

Read more poses and mantra on Radiant Lyf



Kumaran Raj
Kumaran Raj

Written by Kumaran Raj

I am Content writer, Digital marketer, and lifestyle blogger at

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